Not so much outside, where most of Exodus takes place. Metro tunnels are full of obstacles and corridors to use as cover. Because of this, most enemy encounters are about luck, not tactics or even reflexes.ģ. They can take a perfect long distance sniper shot with an AK 1 second after they raise their weapon, it's ridiculous. AI: The second an enemy sees you, you're basically dead, because they can go from a bored guard on patrol to John Rambo with pinpoint accuracy in about 5 miliseconds. Yeah, the guy who survived countless gunfights, falls, fires and an actual war.Ģ. Basically anything bigger than a mosquito can kill Artyom in 2 hits. I've been 1-shot from 40 meter shotgun blasts. Damage: Ranger makes you way more vulnerable than in previous games. Ranger mode in Exodus is simply broken and while you probably can finish the game this way, it turns it into an excrutiating experience that only a masochist could enjoy. A part of it is me using a controller instead of mouse + keyboard, sure, but it's far from the main issue. So picture my surprise when I started playing Exodus on Ranger Hardcore and after 5 hours of frustration, rage and nearly throwing my controller at the TV had to start a new game on a lower difficulty.
A month ago I replayed the first two games on Ranger difficulty and thoroughly enjoyed the experience, probably even more than on release.